Gator Nitro-X
Fine Joint Sand


  1. Always refer to the latest GATOR NITRO-X Technical Data Sheet (TDS) at before installing.
  2. The concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs must have no movement prior to, or after the installation of GATOR NITRO-X into the joints. If the concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs move or rotate, this is due to improper sub-base preparation. For clarity, GATOR NITRO-X, will not prevent lateral or rotational forces that are generated to the concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs installations. Any movement on any paving material will void the warranty.
  3. GATOR NITRO-X can be installed rain or shine. Paving surface must be pre-wet before installation and must remain wet throughout the installation process or staining may occur.
  4. GATOR NITRO-X must be installed above 37°F (3°C).
  5. Joint width of 1/8” (3 mm) to 1/4” (6 mm) for outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs.
    Joint width of 1/8” (3 mm) to 2” (50 mm) for concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones.
  6. Joint depth: Minimum 3/4” (20 mm) Maximum 2 3/8” (60 mm).
  7. Working time: Product must be applied within approximately 45 minutes.
  8. GATOR NITRO-X can only be used on a drainage base application.
  9. Paved surface can be used after 18 hours.
  10. Avoid power-washing for a minimum of 28 days after applying.


GATOR NITRO-X JOINT SAND is recommended for a variety of uses, including patios, walkways, pool decks and driveways. The pavers, porcelain tile, natural or wet cast stones must be installed on one of the 2 base systems below:


 Crushed Stone Base (0-3/4”) with Sand or Chip Setting Bed (ASTM No.9).


Installation with Sand or Chip Setting Bed (ASTM No.9) (Pedestrian use only).

Option 1 Traditional Drainage Base

  • Gator Fabric GF4.4 covering bottom and side of excavated area.
  • Foundation of 4-6” (10-15 cm) compacted crushed stone (0-3/4” (0-20 mm)).
  • Setting bed of 1” (25 mm) of sand or chip stones (1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm) that will lock or choke*) (ASTM No. 9).
  • Nail Gator Edge on the compacted crushed stone and insure the vertical section of the edge hugs the pavers, so no bedding material migrates out. See diagram 1.

Option 2 Permeable Base

  • Gator Fabric GF4.4 covering bottom and side of excavated area.
  • 4-6” (10-15 cm) of 1-1/2” (38 mm) plus of compacted crushed stone.
  • 2” (50 mm) of ¾” (20 mm) net stone well compacted.
  • Setting bed of 1-2” (25-50 mm) of chip stones (1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm) that will lock or choke*) (ASTM No. 9).
  • Spread and trowel Gator XTreme Edge on the 3/4” (20 mm) net and make sure the XTreme Edge hugs and lies 1” (25 mm) under the pavers. See diagram 2.

N.B. GATOR NITRO-X could be installed only 90 minutes after Gator XTreme Edge has been applied.

Option 3 Hybrid Base:

  • Gator Fabric GF4.4 covering bottom and side of excavated area.
  • Foundation of 4-6” (10-15 cm) compacted crushed stone 3/4” (20 mm).
  • Setting bed of 1” (25 mm) of chip stones (1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm) that will lock or choke*) (ASTM No. 9).
  • Spread and trowel Gator XTreme Edge on the 3/4” (20 mm) net and make sure the XTreme Edge hugs and lies 1” (25 mm) under the pavers. See diagram 3.

N.B. GATOR NITRO-X could be installed only 90 minutes after Gator XTreme Edge has been applied.

* Choke refers to chip stones (ASTM No. 9 1/8” – 1/4” (3 mm – 6 mm)) setting bed that prevents the GATOR NITRO-X from migrating through the voids.

Option 4a Gator Base (Pedestrian use only)

  • Gator Fabric GF4.4 covering bottom and side of excavated area.
  • Setting Bed: Compacted sand 3/4” -1” (20-25 mm) or chip stones (1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm) that will lock or choke*) (ASTM No. 9).
  • Gator Base installation exceeding 6″ (15 cm) the final paved area.
  • Same as traditional.
  • Screw in the Gator Edge on the Gator Base at every 2nd hole and insure the vertical section of the edge hugs the pavers.
    See diagram 4A.

Option 4b Gator Base (Pedestrian use only) with Gator Tile System

  • Gator Fabric GF4.4 covering bottom and side of excavated area.
  • Setting Bed: Installation of sand 3/4” -1” (20-25 mm) or chip stones (1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm) that will lock or choke*) (ASTM No. 9).
  • Gator Base installation exceeding 6″ (15 cm) the final porcelain tiles area.
  • Install the porcelain tiles with the help of the Gator Spacer (1/8”, 3/16” or 1/4” (3 mm, 5 mm or 6 mm)) and the Gator XP glue to insure a mechanical bonding and the structural integrity of the system.
  • Install Gator Tile Edge against the porcelain tiles and use Gator Base Screws at every second holes on the Gator Base.

Installation Instructions

Designed for pedestrian and vehicular applications, GATOR NITRO-X is ready-to-use and does not require any mixing. After you have followed the REQUIRED SUB-SURFACE PREPARATION described above, you are ready to apply the GATOR NITRO-X. Installation will be easier with two people.


  1. The concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs must have no movement prior to, or after the installation of GATOR NITRO-X into the joints. If the concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs move or rotate, this is due to improper sub-base preparation. For clarity, GATOR NITRO-X, will not prevent lateral or rotational forces that are generated to the concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs installations. Any movement on any paving material will void the warranty.
  2. There is no need to protect treated joints from rain while setting. Although the presence of rain will delay the setting process. Full strength: 28 days but surface can be walked on after 18 hours. If heavy rain has occurred when the joints have been pointed, then it may be necessary to revisit the job once the weather has cleared to touch up joints
  3. GATOR NITRO-X can be applied when the concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs are installed directly on chip stones (1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm)) that lock or choke* themselves. This means the GATOR NITRO-X will not migrate through the voids.
  4. Do not apply GATOR NITRO-X when the concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs are installed directly on aggregates with large voids. GATOR NITRO-X will migrate through aggregates with large voids.
  5. By following GATOR NITRO-X installation instructions carefully, you will obtain a very hard jointing material.
  6. When installing concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs around an underground pool, a slope of 1/8 inch (3 mm) per linear foot (30 cm) away from the pool is mandatory.
  7. All concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs surfaces must have a drainage slope for the GATOR NITRO-X to work at its optimum.
  8. For the pool coping blocks, it is mandatory to use mortar in the joints. For the rest of the concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs installation around the pool, you can use GATOR NITRO-X.


* Choke refers to (when concrete pavers, concrete slabs, natural stones or wet cast stones and the outdoor porcelain tiles, porcelain pavers or porcelain slabs are installed directly on chip stones (1/8” to 1/4” (3 to 6 mm)) that lock or choke themselves. This means the GATOR NITRO-X will not migrate through the voids.)


Wet the area to be jointed. If the surface is dry or temperature is high, more water will be required to avoid staining of the surface when spreading the GATOR NITRO-X.


Open the bag of GATOR NITRO-X and spread 1/3 of the contents over the paved surface. Thoroughly soak the GATOR NITRO-X with water while using a squeegee or a hard bristle broom to spread and mix, allowing the GATOR NITRO-X to flow into the joints. Continue applying water while using a squeegee or broom to push the GATOR NITRO-X diagonally across the paved surface and into the joints. This action compacts and forces the GATOR NITRO-X into the joints ensuring the gaps are filled. Ensure joints are completely filled before moving on to the next section. Use a hard bristle broom for textured surfaces and final joint height setting.


The joints should be filled 1/8” (3 mm) below the top surface or 1/8” (3 mm) below the selected paving material chamfer with the GATOR NITRO-X. Shower the surface to rinse off excess material from the paved surface. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the whole paving area is completed.

The joints are effectively rain safe immediately, although rain will delay the setting process. Full strength will be reached after 28 days. Surface can be opened to traffic after initial setting, approximately 18 hours in dry conditions above 75°F (24°C). If heavy rain has occurred when the joints have been pointed, then it may be necessary to revisit the job once the weather has cleared to touch up joints.

Before applying the product, the user/buyer must determine its suitability for intended use and user/buyer assumes all risks in that regard. It is a condition of the Limited Warranty that before using the product on the intended larger area, the user/ buyer must test the product on a small less observed area of approximately 4 sq. ft. (0.4 sq. m.) to ensure results meet user/buyer’s expectations. In the event that no test is carried out, the 5-year Limited Warranty will only apply to 4 sq. ft. (0.4 sq. m.). Alliance Designer Products Inc. cannot guarantee results as it has no control over surface preparation and product application. If this product is proven to be defective, on the condition that it was applied pursuant to the required method of application and surface preparation, the sole obligation Alliance Designer Products Inc. is to refund the purchase price. Proof of purchase is required for any claim. Alliance Designer Products Inc. shall not be liable for any other damages whatsoever, direct or consequential. To the extent permitted by law, Alliance Designer Products Inc. excludes any implied warranty of quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose

Please note that when the product is used for other purposes (Mixed-use, commercial, institutional or other), the above terms apply except that the applicable period is reduced to 1 year from purchase. ALLIANCE DESIGNER PRODUCTS INC. excludes any responsibility for use of any GATOR NITRO-X for any installation not installed to manufacturer’s specifications.

THE PARTIES AGREE THAT REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE AS STATED IS THE ONLY OBLIGATION OF THE MANUFACTURER. IN ALL EVENTS, THE MANUFACTURER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER DAMAGES OR COSTS WHATSOEVER, (INCLUDING REMOVAL OR REINSTALLATION OF SAND OR PAVERS) DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE MANUFACTURER EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. ALLIANCE DESIGNER PRODUCTS INC. excludes any responsibility whatsoever for the presence of moss, mold, mildew, or similar factors that may occur on the product after its installation. The presence of moss, mold or mildew is caused by the particular on-site conditions, including excess moisture, shade, absence of ventilation, inadequate cleaning or maintenance, presence of soil or other organic debris left on the product after installation. ALLIANCE DESIGNER PRODUCTS INC. excludes any responsibility for use of GATOR NITRO-X for any installation not installed to manufacturer’s specifications . Alliance Designer Products shall not be liable for any non-compliant use.